Here is what it looked like before, where the beads run down to the end of the fender.
I then shaped the rear of the fender.
I then continued the lip that runs down each side across the end the fender. I did this to make it look factory and for a little more strength. Still needs to be cleaned up a little bit.
Next up was the oil bag. I had come to the conclusion that I wanted to run a horseshoe oil bag. But after a few guys on Craigs List flaking out on me and guys just wanting too much for what they had I figured "why not make my own?" Knowing I was going to have to cut up whatever I got to make it fit right anyways I decided to make one from scratch.
First off I made a little template out of wood to figure out my shape and figuring out where the down tube would go.
Here is what I came up with. You can see the notches for the down tube so it will sit nice and tight. It will also hold the battery.
I was able to use all the fittings from a Sportster oil bag I had. Man, I am cheap!
Here it is on the bike. As you can tell from the porta power I still need to work on the mounts. Notice the chain clearance.
Next up exhaust and finishing the down tube.
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